Opportunity Alchemy: A       
Class in Glamour

You're seconds away from watching this 90-minute class that teaches you exactly how to magnetize opportunities, shift your perception, and speed up manifestations - using glamour magick. Put it on while you wash dishes, scroll pinterest, or do your makeup -- and learn how to become glamour witch!

This class is pre-recorded so you can dive into the content right away!

NOTE: This class is already included for Stars Tier Members of the Palace Coven & Spring Bundle babes. If you'd to join the membership group and get access to this class plus a ton of other content + perks, click here

I have been a glamour witch for a very long time, even before I knew what glamour magick was - and I bet that's the case for you too. 

If you've ever thought about your perception and intentionally did something to alter that to benefit yourself -you've been working glamour magick. 

Often the art of glamour or the idea of "altering yourself/perception" is extremely misunderstood. Honestly, I have always found it deeply empowering, and a way to take back the ways that I've people pleased in the past or worked to make myself smaller. 

You're always unintentionally glamouring yourself. But what if you could flip that switch, and start to implement this intentionally and often? 

What if you can work magick that does the work for you, without necessarily changing anything about yourself unless you want to?

You are allowed to have success and be you, without changing yourself to match a job description, an ideal image, or be something you're not. 

Take the pressure off yourself and start weaving magick to let the opportunities & people come to YOU. 

Glamour is about learning how to let them come to you (and no, not in a being in your "feminine energy" tradwife kind of way...)

Let the people, the jobs, the opportunities, the book deal, the new wardrobe, the success -come to you. How? By simply shifting your perception so that people already see you as the ideal candidate/person. 

Shifting your perception is the difference between getting passed over because of no particular reason, and then magnetizing opportunities directly to you - cutting through a sea of people. 

A few months ago I did a glamour ritual asking for business opportunities & networking. The next week I got an email from someone i've never met before, asking about a collaboration between us. I said yes, and then I got added to an email thread with some other incredible business contacts through this person that had reached out to me. By attracting this collab & colleague to me, I literally got a huge business opportunity by them sharing their network with me. 

What would you do if you got that opportunity you've been trying to make happen? What would you do if the opportunity got dropped right in your lap? 

You'd take a huge exhale and think "oh my fucking gods, it's happening" 

That is what is possible when you start to work glamour magick (I say start, because even within a few weeks of implementing what i'm teaching you, you'll see things shifting) 

Get the class below, grab a cup of coffee or bring me along as you get ready & let's do some glamour together!

Who is this class for?

This class is ideal for witches of any level who want to start implementing glamour magick more into their practice. Beginner Friendly!

Is this live or pre-recorded?

This was a live class that was previously recorded on May 7th 2024, and it's now available for you to watch instantly 

Is this class already included in the palace coven?

 This class is included in the Stars tier membership of the Palace coven! If you are in the Stars tier or get Stars tier access through the Spring Bundle, then don't purchase this, because it's already included!! 

If you're not a Palace Coven member yet but would like to be so you can get access to this class plus an entire vault of witchcraft, astrology, and deity work content - click here! 

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Intro to Glamour Magick Class$55

What's included:

Instant Access to the 90 minute class 

  • Total payment
  • 1xOpportunity Alchemy$55

All prices in USD